Page 115 - Indigo Design Award 2019
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Walking Fearless
Design Director: João Miranda
Design Team: Exhibition: João Miranda (Walking Fearless) Curation: João Miranda and Desisto Design & Communication: João Miranda (walking fearless) & Desisto Animations & AR: João Miranda & Serafim Mendes 3D: Serafim Mendes Webdesign & code: João Miranda Copy: João Miranda Video: Rui Silva Photography: João Miranda, Desisto and Catarina Rosa
Gold in Mix Media/Moving Image; Silver in Promotional Materials
Big Kitchen is a living type specimen to promote the Big typeface to a wider audience visualizing type in the context of a kitchen.
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Design Director: reitdesign Silver in Promotional Materials
For its annual holiday promotion, Reitdesign wanted to deliver a much-needed message of hope. Inspired by the theme “The Gift of Giving,” we departed from the tradition of sending gifts to clients—by putting some of our favorite NYC charities in the spotlight. The promotion was housed in an eye-catching “Gift of Giving” mailing tube that contained a tote bag; five sets of circular cards that featured gold metallic and raised UV pattern printing; five stylized enamel pins, each representing a specific category of charity; and a fold-out description sheet that explained the purpose of the promotion. The circular cards—held together by the custom-designed enamel pins—were imprinted with memorable, charity-related quotes; other cards featured a description
of the charity’s mission, along with its mailing and website address. Taken together, this unique, timely promotion not only reinforced the holiday spirit of giving, it helped raise the profile of charities whose work is more vital than ever.
Design Director: Rubin Sophie + Cedric Rossel Design Team: Rubin Sophie + Cedric Rossel Silver in Promotional Materials
Archipel is the main Swiss festival totally dedicated to contemporary music. Our goals were to create the visual identity of the 2018 edition entitled Ecce Robo; whose theme was the relationship between man and machine in music creation and illustrate the impact of AI on creation. For this project, we have developed an algorithm that creates different and unique posters, all in a series of 500 specimens. In direct connection with the theme of the 2018 edition, this work explores and questions the relationship between man and machine in the field of creation. The peculiarity is that the algorithm deals with creating entirely each poster. It creates the image of each poster as well as the layout of the text information (festival name, dates and internet address). The notion of creativity lies more in writing the script to define the framework and the set of rules than in the final result. By accepting to lose some control and being surprised, the machine becomes a creation assistant to amplify
our creativity, expand our field of research and offers new perspectives of creation if we use the algorithm in as a parameterizable tool according to our needs.
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